A major update revamping the whole games graphics is now in its pre-release stage!! Play now!

In This Update:


-Remade the whole games lightning

-New Ambience song for the first gameplay scenes

-Added Bloom

-Added more texts for what to do

-Added a directional light in shrek memories scene

-Added a im stuck button in find shreks memories scene

-HEAVILY improved lightning in the find shrek backstory scene

-HEAVILY improved lightning in the ending gameplay scene

-HEAVILY improved lightning in the ending cutscene

-HEAVILY improved lightning in the First scenes

-HEAVILY Improved lightning in the find shrek memories scene

-HEAVILY improved LOTS of Materials in every scene

-Added red clouds in the find shrek memories scene

-Added an [E] When you shoot shrek

-Added a missing spotlight for the lamp in the house

-Added more object in the shrek backstory scene


-Removed hints option

-Improves Shreks talking animation in a cutscene

-Reanimated Shrek in the cutscene where he gets his memories

-Removed cursor in cutscenes

-Improved donkeys animation in the shrek backstory scene

-Improved Shreks crying animation

-Improved the house so its easier to know what to do

-Improved nightmare cutscene

-Pitched down music in the ending scene

.Improved the lamp in the roof

-Improved a hint text


-Fixed door sound in the ending scene

-Fixed weird roof lamp behaviour


-Fixed shrek not casting shadows in the mainmenu

-Fixed missing lights in the nightmare dream

-Fixed brightness setting not working in shrek memories scene

-Fixed being able to jump off the map

-Fixed need light text

-Fixed the door sound in ending scene

Todo be fixed in the next update:

-Options not working in shrek memories or ending scene

-Im stuck button not working in find shreks memories scene

Fix box in second chase scene

Next Update will include:

-More events in the find shreks memories scene

Files (Old Version) 603 MB
Aug 13, 2024

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